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mother earth 大地;〔戲謔語〕地,地面(kiss the mother...

mother goose

Possibly bored by the banal baubles of mundane mother earth or inspired by the dashing derring - do of such pioneers as first american in space alan shepard and first millionaire in space dennis tito , the poll says 7 percent of rich americans would pay million for a two - week orbital flight and 19 percent would pay 0 , 000 for 15 - minute sub - orbital flight 本文來自news . jewelove . net也許是由于厭倦了地球上的平常的事物或是因為受到了那些勇敢者,如美國第一個太空人艾倫謝菲爾德和第一個進行太空旅行的美國富翁丹尼斯蒂托的鼓舞,調查結果顯示有7 %的美國富人愿意花2千萬美元參加為期兩周的太空軌道環繞旅行。

From morning to night , in the snow and sea , they discovered that mother earth was like a magician who changed her colour and appearance . the green of springtime , the blue of summer , the orange of autumn and the white of winter they all evoked different emotions in people . . . . . . mother nature is such a beautiful and colourful world 從白天到夜晚,從雪地到海洋,途中他們發現大地就像魔術師不斷在變換色彩和樣子:春的翠綠夏的碧藍秋的黃橙冬的凈白,都讓人有不同的感動原來大自然是一個美麗動人的色彩世界

Having gone through the torture of mosquito bombardment , it was a great blessing to sleep in a work shed that was serene , cool , and free of those insects . furthermore , lying on the floor , looking at the countless sparkling stars in the sky and enjoying the fresh air , we felt as though we were sleeping in the palace of mother earth 因為在歷經無數蚊子的轟炸之后,能睡在清靜涼爽又沒有群蚊干擾的工寮內,已是一種莫大的福份,何況躺在地上,眼觀滿天繁星,鼻吸清新空氣,那種感覺就像睡在大地的宮殿一般,讓人感激不盡了。

Every day i pray for our mother earth , and for all the people in the whole world , not just for the indian people , because i know we are all the children of the mother earth . it doesn t matter what color your skin is or what your religion is , we are all the children of the mother earth 每天我為我們的大地母親和世界上所有的人祈禱,不只是為印地安人,因為我知道我們都是大地母親的孩子,不管你的膚色或你的宗教是什么,我們都是大地母親的小孩。

When we needed water from her stream we asked first and then prayed our thanks . we treated her with great love and respect because she is our mother and from her all comes to us . in these times most people don t show mother earth respect , and they don t show other people respect 當我們需要從她的河流里拿一些水,我們先問她,然后祈禱表示我們的謝意,我們用最大的愛和尊敬對待她,因為她是我們的母親,所有的東西都從她那里來。

Environment 1 captures the essence of the mighty yet calming deep blue sea with gentle ocean rhythms and relaxing harmonies that create waves of peace , reminding us of the natural power of all life and our connection to mother earth 這張專輯捕捉到了深不可測的蔚藍大海那強大而沉穩的特性,通過柔美的節奏和舒緩的協奏曲,使我們感受到世間所有生命的自然能量以及我們和地球母親的緊密聯系。

We all have the same father and we all have the same mother , the earth mother . that means we are all in the same family . but we don t act like one family and we don t listen to our mother earth 我們有同一個父親和同一個母親大地,意思是我們都屬于同一個家庭,但是我們的行為不像同一個家庭,我們不聽從我們的大地母親。

Instead of loving , respecting , and listening to our mother earth , and loving , respecting , and listening to each other , we argue , fight , and hurt each other , and we hurt the mother earth 我們不愛不尊敬不聽從我們的大地母親,也不愛不尊敬不聽彼此的話,我們互相爭辯,彼此攻擊傷害,并傷害大地母親。

I am not talking about your big eights or nines on richter scale but fives , sixes , and below , because that ' s where mother earth will show that she is just getting ready 我不是在談論在你們的芮氏地震儀上的八或者九級的大地震,而是五級,六級或更低,因為那是大地之母將在那里顯示她是剛準備好。

His poetics reveals his anxiety that the organon - oriented thinking in the period of industrial civilization will bring about not only the abandonment of poetics but also the death of mother earth 而在其詩學理論建構的背后,是對工業文明時期自然工具化思維引發的詩意淪陷和大地危機的憂慮。

It is like putting a seed in the mother earth . it sprouts because mother earth has the power to sprout it and the seed has an in - built germinating quality within it 就像把種子放在母親大地里,種子便會發芽,因為母親大地有力量令種子發芽,而種子在內在也潛藏那發芽成長的特質。

Gerardo and mercedes share the commitment to teach this calendar now , during this critical time of change when mother earth is cleansing from the damage humanity has caused 在這個轉變的危急時期,地球母親正在清潔人類的破壞,杰勒德和默西迪絲現在承擔義務去教導這種歷法。

If we don t do this ourselves , martin warns us that mother earth will do it for us . “ mother earth will survive with or without the two - leggeds humans 如果我們自己不這樣做,馬丁警告我們大地母親會替我們做,大地母親也許會也許不會跟兩條腿的人類一起幸存。

In the old ways , we had respect for mother earth ; we listened to her . we did prayers and ceremonies and asked her if we could take something from her 在過去的時候,我們尊敬大地,我們聽從她,我們祈禱,舉行祭典,問她我們是否可以從她那里拿一些東西。

All along think rain is the mood of the divine of the season , when its the sound of rain to sprinkler to drop the mother earth , imitate if miss to consult with expectation 一直認為雨是季節之神的心情,當它淅淅瀝瀝灑落大地時,仿若思念接洽了期待。

If all the races of humankind come back together in the name of honoring each other and mother earth , the world will unite in a new era of peace 如果所有的人種都能一起回頭,尊重彼此尊重大地母親,這個世界才能在一個和平的新紀元里合為一體。

But then we also have a little duty towards our mother earth , to help her to remain in such a powerful position so that she may be able to help us 當然我們也該為我們的大地母親負一點責任,幫助她一直保持這樣強有力的狀態,她才能幫助我們。

There is another great inevitability . mother earth is changing - great waves , fires , rain , flood waters , tornadoes , et cetera . is anyone listening 有件不可避免之大事,就是大地母親正在改變,大震蕩火災大雨洪水卷風等等有任何人在聽嗎

Mother earth as a living entity will transcend to another level or frequency or consciousness and a new and special era will begin 地球母親作為一個生命實體,會轉變到另一個層面或者頻率或者意識,一個新和特別的紀元會開始。